About Us

Our Story
Queensland Turkish Women Association (QTWA) was established officially with the Board of Management in 2021 for the purpose of raising awareness about women’s rights and development as a not-for-profit organization based in Qld while introducing Turkish culture, Turkish cuisine, etc. as part of the beautiful multicultural Australia.
We are driven by values
The association is established to be a charity with the purpose of promoting mutual respect and tolerance between all groups of people in Queensland by:
- Providing support for instruction and participation in women’s safety, education, professional career development, STEM or relevant future workforce readiness and resilience
- Providing instruction and the opportunity to converse in the Turkish language for those who are in need in Queensland
- Promoting the importance and benefits of our multicultural community holding/supporting multicultural / gender bias projects/festivals so that all people have the opportunity to share their authenticity with others in the community, and urging that local government/business are aware of and able to provide appropriate facilities and education/support services for firstly women, children, multicultural background and anyone need support in the community, to ensure that all members of the community feel included.